Lynwood “Tex” Open
We had a terrific day Monday at Skylinks Golf course. 65 golfers plus an additional 12 for dinner. Champion for the tournament was the foursome of Don West '65, Don Sterry '67 and Don Sterry's 2 sons Scott and Steve. Closest to the pin winners were former Coach Steve Hiskey and Rick Brodbeck '63 guest Greg Sieger. Longest Drive winners were Jason Simmons (Jerry '74 son) and Scott Sterry (Don '67 son).
Go Knights!!!
Jody Siefried '63
Ron Wootton '60
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Hey Guys – Another year of Lynwood Tex Open golf is behind us. A terrific turnout with 71 golfers and an additional 26 for dinner. Tournament winner was Tom Yeager ’65 and his family team of son Jeff, daughter Kristen with her husband Reeve and Tom’s nephew Jared Lohman (grandson of Kathy Yeager and Gary Lohman ’63). Closet to the Hole winners were Greg Bailey ’65, Bob Stand ’56, Pat McMullen ’73 and Gary Harmon ’70. John Betham’s ’71 son won both long drive holes.
We sincerely appreciate the support and look forward to next year’s tournament.
Go Knights!
Jody Siefried ‘63
Ron Wootton ‘60
Hey Guys – Another Lynwood Tex Open is in the record books! We had 66 golfers plus an additional 15 for dinner only. Every class from 1955 thru 1978 with the exception of 1957 and 1977 was represented (attendees list attached). The scramble winner was the team of Larry Anderson ’68, Daryl Imler ’68, Rob Megill ’69 and Denis Paul ’68 with a score of 9 under par. Closest to the Pin winners were Aaron Booth ’71, Clarence Clarkson (former Coach), Richard Orr ’62, Bob Stand ‘56 and Dennis Hardeman ’63. Longest Drive winners were Kristen Krikke (Tom Yeager ’65 daughter) and Jason Simmons (Jerry Simmons ’74 son). Congratulations to all!
Go Knights!
Jody Siefried ‘63
Ron Wootton ‘60
Sports action Photography
memories @ 1/1000 of a second
CIF Southern Section Championship 2023
Division 5AA
Lynwood high school, vs. Don Bosco Tech
Bosco for the win 88-81